Thursday, December 8, 2016

             "Bricks within its..." a phrase that i cannot fulfill. A phrase that even me I can't recognize. A phrase that I can't appreciate nor treasure the value of it. But why did I entitled this piece even though there is no meaning in my life?

               Bricks, to be specific, is building material used to make walls, pavements and other elements in masonry construction. By means of walls, it is used to make shelter. But for me, walls mean that it is giant thing that cover up my life, my future, my everything. It is high enough not to reach by our hands, to not see what is up ahead and will never see it. Because out future is very far from being clear and worse from being blurry. It is our challenge to surpass it. We are destined to everything we've done and what we are today. Why we are sad and miserable last night and being joyful and delight today. Of what attitude we adopt that lead us to everything we had never expected. And it is our duty to embrace everything we encounter to be able to surpass every trials. We just need to think and learn from it. 


But it also means strong. I am strong in different ways enough to conquer every challenges in life. Strong enough not to quit in everything. Strong enough to cover my sorrow through my smile. Strong enough to heads up and be proud of what I am today and strong enough to walk through my future and be successful. Because it what BRICKS are made for. Strong and destined to become a wall to cover, protect and cherish of what it is intended inside.

But do not expect that this is all about bricks. I only put random things in here and my posts depends on my mood and my thoughts. Thank you for reading. Peace Out! Bye Bye!